FMDVTUN Pop off Tuning Kit
inkludiert 4 x verschiedene Federstärken
Es ermöglicht eine Feineinstellung der Forge Dump Ventile & verbessert die Leistung
Grün: 0.3 bis 1.03 Bar Gelb: 1.03 bis 1.58 Bar Blau: 1.58 bis 2.06 Bar Rot: 2.06 Bar
Now you can fine tune your Blow Off/Diverter Valve to the exact needs of your engine with this complete tuning kit.
 Your valve tuning kit you will find four springs and three spacers.
 The strongest spring is the red, followed by the blue, yellow and
finally the green which is the weakest.
Valve Spring color coding
Green - 5-15 PSI
Yellow - 15-23 PSI
Blue - 23-30 PSI
Red - 30 + PSI